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The Accidental Tourist

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0425092917 Global Overview for this book
Registered by CrazyDutchwoman of Heemstede, Noord-Holland Netherlands on 9/26/2004
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by CrazyDutchwoman from Heemstede, Noord-Holland Netherlands on Sunday, September 26, 2004
Scarred by grief after their 12-year-old son's senseless murder (he was shot by a holdup man in a Burger Bonanza), Macon and Sarah Leary are losing their marriage too. Macon is unable to cope when she leaves him, so he settles down ``safe among the people he'd started out with,'' moving back home with two divorced brothers and spinster sister Rose. Author of a series of guidebooks called ``Accidental Tourist'' for businessmen who hate to travel, Macon is Tyler's focus here, as she gently chronicles his journey from lonely self-absorption to an ``accidental'' new life with brassy Muriel, a dog trainer from the Meow Bow Animal Hospital, who renews and claims his heart. Not a character, including Macon's dog Edward, is untouched by delightful eccentricity in this charming story, full of surprises and wisdom. All of Tyler's novels are wonderful; thisher ten this the best yet

Released on Saturday, December 18, 2004 at about 2:00:00 AM BX time (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) at train in we meet in the train, given to a fellow BCer Controlled Releases.


I have not read this book and it has been on my shelf for quit some time so I set this up as available.

Going to meet eMeReS in 45 minutes in the train to swap books. enjoy!!

Journal Entry 3 by eMeReS from Leiden, Zuid-Holland Netherlands on Sunday, December 19, 2004
And what a nice crossing it was in the train. I chose this book because the story sounds very interesting. Unfortunately I have a to be read pile that is a bit out of control at the moment. Hopefully this one will manage to reach the top, otherwise I will pass it on unread after a while.

Journal Entry 4 by eMeReS from Leiden, Zuid-Holland Netherlands on Saturday, February 12, 2005
This book was crossed twice today, first it went from me to Wilmar because it was on her wish list. However, Wilmar had just received a copy in the mail, all the way from Australia, so she passed this one on to Dokie. All this happened over a delightful cup of Bookcrossing-tea in the afternoon.

Journal Entry 5 by Dokie from Utrecht, Utrecht Netherlands on Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Thank you so much for this copy eMeReS! My to be read pile is just as much out of control as yours, but this copy is on top! But first I have to finish "Life of Pi"!
I really enjoyed our afternoon-bookcrossing-teasession with Wilmar, bookswapping, talking books, tea (thanks!), rain outside...

See you soon for dinner! Maybe to swap some more books...

Journal Entry 6 by Dokie from Utrecht, Utrecht Netherlands on Thursday, April 14, 2005
Yes eMeReS, you were right! I really liked the book!
And even though you think it is predictable, in the end it turns out not to be!
I really enjoyed it.

I will think of a nice place to release it! Thanks!

Released 19 yrs ago (4/15/2005 UTC) at Sundays, Botermarkt 18, on the readingtable! in Leiden, Zuid-Holland Netherlands



I will leave the book on the table at Sundays during my lunchbreak!

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