The Power of Positive Thinking

by Norman Vincent Peale | Health, Mind & Body |
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Registered by BookWorm5 on 8/11/2002
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Journal Entry 1 by BookWorm5 on Sunday, August 11, 2002
I have read most of Norman Vincent Peale's books. He is an excellent author who helps people with many of life's problems with faith and practical advice, through his own stories and personal experiences. I have my own copy, and thought it would be good to share an extra copy I had. I hope it may be of help to the next person who reads it!

Journal Entry 2 by BookWorm5 at The Dierberg's Brentwood Location in Brentwood, Missouri USA on Sunday, August 11, 2002
Release planned for Monday, August 12, 2002 at The Dierberg's Brentwood Location in Brentwood, Missouri USA.

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