My Life as a Fake

by Peter Carey | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0375414983 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingbookczukwing of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA on 7/27/2004
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Journal Entry 1 by wingbookczukwing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA on Tuesday, July 27, 2004
My brother read this book while vacationing in Europe and sent it to our home in a box of books he'd had shipped from Germany. When he got here and opened the box, he showed me this book and said, "It's not very good. I've read others by this author that are much better." BUT- he paid money to ship it from Bavaria here to Charelston, so it couldn't have been THAT bad. Will read and release.

From the Publisher
Sarah Wode-Douglass, the editor of a London poetry magazine, had grown up knowing the famous and infamous John Slater. And because he figured prominently in the disaster that was her parents' marriage, when Slater proposes that she accompany him to Malaysia, Sarah embarks out of curiosity on a journey that becomes, instead, a lifelong obsession. Her discoveries spiral outward from Christopher Chubb, a destitute Australian she meets by chance in the steamy, fetid city of Kuala Lumpur. He is mad, Slater warns her, explaining the ruinous hoax Chubb had committed decades earlier. But lurking behind the man's peculiarity and arrogance, Sarah senses, is artistic genius, in the form of a manuscript he teases her with and which she soon would do anything to acquire. The provenance of this work, she gradually learns, is marked by kidnapping, exile, and death - a relentless saga that reaches from Melbourne to Bali, Sumatra, and Java, and that more than once compels her back to Malaysia without ever disclosing all of its secrets, only the power of the imagination and the prices it can exact from those who would wield it.

July 28
Just got a PM from djfil saying, "Just wanted to let you know that I happened to love My Life as a Fake.
It's one of those books that you have to be a little patient with, but the
writing style is fantastic."
A good recommendation...I'll have to see what I think after I read it.

Released 3 yrs ago (6/5/2021 UTC) at LFL - Spring St (156) : Not So Hostel in Charleston, South Carolina USA


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