A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1)
4 journalers for this copy...
Der Fantasy-Hype zur Zeit...
Journal Entry 2 by neg74 at AKK Altes Stadion in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Released on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at AKK Altes Stdion in A 8 Richtung Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg Germany.
Die ersten Kapitel gefallen mir. Mal schauen wie lang es dauert bis ich das Buch durch hab, da es das Englischen Original ist und ich das Wörterbuch brauche um manche Dinge zu verstehen.
Look at the picture, this is the right cover, not the one, bookcrossing shows above.
A collegue of my girlfriend gave the book to us.
I read with great interest and quite quick, which is not normal for me. So, I guess, that book must have pleased me. A bit too many deaths in it (more than half of the people introduced, get slaugthered until the end).
I got the 2nd part of "A Song of Ice and Fire" - "A Clash of Kings" as a birthday present. After having read it, I'll set that one free as well.
Now, I plan to put it into some fast train to let it travel a bit :-)
A collegue of my girlfriend gave the book to us.
I read with great interest and quite quick, which is not normal for me. So, I guess, that book must have pleased me. A bit too many deaths in it (more than half of the people introduced, get slaugthered until the end).
I got the 2nd part of "A Song of Ice and Fire" - "A Clash of Kings" as a birthday present. After having read it, I'll set that one free as well.
Now, I plan to put it into some fast train to let it travel a bit :-)
Journal Entry 5 by ffets at RE 2 Karlsruhe - Konstanz und zurück (Schwarzwaldbahn) in -- Bahn/Bus/Schiff --, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Saturday, January 13, 2007
Released 17 yrs ago (1/14/2007 UTC) at RE 2 Karlsruhe - Konstanz und zurück (Schwarzwaldbahn) in -- Bahn/Bus/Schiff --, Baden-Württemberg Germany
10:10 Karlsruhe
10:29 Baden-Baden
10:56 Offenburg
11:20 Hausach
12:08 Villingen
12:59 Radolfzell
13:16 Konstanz
Ich lege es in den ersten Wagen auf einen Tisch. - Viel Glück bei der Jagd :-)
I'll put it in the 1st coach on a table. Good luck with hunting it down :-)
10:10 Karlsruhe
10:29 Baden-Baden
10:56 Offenburg
11:20 Hausach
12:08 Villingen
12:59 Radolfzell
13:16 Konstanz
Ich lege es in den ersten Wagen auf einen Tisch. - Viel Glück bei der Jagd :-)
I'll put it in the 1st coach on a table. Good luck with hunting it down :-)
Habe noch andere Sachen, die ich vorher lesen will,aber dann...nach dem lesen will ichs wieder aussetzen, hier liegt sowieso schon ein Stapel Kandidaten fürs Auswildern..
V.S., Heidelberg
V.S., Heidelberg