Gap Creek: The Story of a Marriage
Registered by JenLuvsBooks of Roseville, California USA on 6/26/2004
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

A wonderful book.

Sent to another bookcrosser.

This book came in the mail today. It looked so interesting that I plan to read it before releasing it.

I read this book for my "Book Discussion" group. There was not one place in the book that left me feeling happy, the total book was serious/sad. I found the mood of the book to be dark, but the book was well written. Even though the story moved slow for me, I feel the time was well spent. The characters did feel like real people to me.

Journal Entry 5 by momofap at Bubbles Laundry - 511 3rd Ave in Sheldon, Iowa USA on Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Released 19 yrs ago (6/21/2005 UTC) at Bubbles Laundry - 511 3rd Ave in Sheldon, Iowa USA
This book was left with the other books on the table.
This book was left with the other books on the table.