Arco How to Write Short Stories, 3rd Ed.
2 journalers for this copy...
I bought this book when I first started writing fanfiction. It wasn't very helpful because, even though I was a novice writer, I'd done enough writing to have a method and style all my own. I did a lot of looking around for books of this sort, and this was the most recommended one. It's well organized, with plenty of real examples, and as a reference book it's quite good. However, I didn't really need it.
I think I'll keep it, just for reference, but if someone out there would rather have it, just let me know.
I think I'll keep it, just for reference, but if someone out there would rather have it, just let me know.
Sent to cheli-garza as part of a trade.
Yay!! I just got it in the mail from summerfling. It looks great! I'm so looking forward to actually learning something. :)
4-19-2005: This is actually going to be used a bit & will be listed as TBR for a while. EVENTUALLY, it will be set free...
4-19-2005: This is actually going to be used a bit & will be listed as TBR for a while. EVENTUALLY, it will be set free...
Released at a local Goodwill.