Forever Odd

by Dean Koontz | Horror | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9780007196999 Global Overview for this book
Registered by loucollbooks of Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on 1/21/2025
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Journal Entry 1 by loucollbooks from Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Book 2 of 7 odd Thomas
Odd never asked to communicate with the dead – they sought him out, in the small desert town of Pico Mundo, which he can never leave. He has already lost the love of his life; and now a childhood friend has disappeared and the worst is feared.
But as Odd applies his unique talents to the task of finding his friend, he discovers something far worse than a dead body. Evil personified has come to visit this desert community of souls both living and dead…

Released 3 wks ago (1/21/2025 UTC) at Loughborough College in Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom


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