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Komodo Dragon Vs. King Cobra (Who Would Win?)

by Jerry Pallotta | Children's Books | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9780545301718 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingGoryDetailswing of Nashua, New Hampshire USA on 1/18/2025
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Journal Entry 1 by wingGoryDetailswing from Nashua, New Hampshire USA on Saturday, January 18, 2025
I got this slim softcover at a local Barnes and Noble, for another release copy. It's from a series of books in which different creatures are compared, and then a theoretical battle is waged. This one includes lots of facts about Komodo dragons and king cobras, including closeups of their fangs and scales, descriptions of different kinds of venom, the ways the creatures eat - and it even shows coins depicting each one. As to which one would win in a confrontation, I'll leave that for the reader to discover - but the book does make it clear that you shouldn't mess with either creature, as they can both be deadly!

Released 2 wks ago (1/21/2025 UTC) at LFL - Hooksett Rd (102) - Auburn Historical Society in Auburn, New Hampshire USA


I left this book in the Little Free Library on this very cold day; hope someone enjoys it!

[See other recent releases in NH here.]

Released for:

** 2025 Asian Zodiac / Year of the Snake challenge **

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