Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism

by Cornel West | Nonfiction |
ISBN: 1594200297 Global Overview for this book
Registered by winghaahaahaa98wing of Watertown, Massachusetts USA on 1/14/2025
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Journal Entry 1 by winghaahaahaa98wing from Watertown, Massachusetts USA on Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against ImperialismDemocracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism by Cornel West

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A rebuke to the imperial (or Justinian, in the author's terms) rule of America written a few years after September 11, 2001. Much of West's writing advocates for a return towards a prophetic tradition, using religion for purposes of good, for social justice, for democracy, rather than religion co-opting political discourse towards the justification of top-down rule by elites. West holds both political parties for what he calls political nihilism, the inability to tell the truth about the lack of meaning (spiritual or otherwise) experienced by Americans (of all stripes) and the blind submission to market capitalism to solve our collective crises.

Expertly argued, concise yet precise, and worth revisiting. Though more than 20 years old, it partially explains why West ran as an independent in the 2024 election and a lot of what he mentions is still relevant today. Also draws on a significant amount of cultural references, including rap music, blues, and literature.

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Journal Entry 2 by winghaahaahaa98wing at LFL - Clark St Near Thomas St in Belmont, Massachusetts USA on Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Released 4 wks ago (1/14/2025 UTC) at LFL - Clark St Near Thomas St in Belmont, Massachusetts USA


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