A Die Hard Christmas

Registered by eddiejc1 of Gaithersburg, Maryland USA on 12/16/2024
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by eddiejc1 from Gaithersburg, Maryland USA on Monday, December 16, 2024
Based on the 1988 20th Century Fox film "Die Hard."
A Gordon Company/Silver Pictures Production
Directed by John McTiernan
Screenplay by Jeb Stuart and Steven E. de Souza
Based on the novel "Nothing Lasts Forever" by Roderick Thorp
Produced by Lawrence Gordon and Joel "Raoul Raoul" Silver
Executive Producer Charles Gordon
and the poem "A Visit From St. Nicholas"
attributed to Clement Clarke Moore
but possibly written by Henry Livingston, Jr.

Journal Entry 2 by wing6of8wing at Herndon, Virginia USA on Sunday, December 22, 2024
When I got this book in the First Line game I laughed and laughed. There is great controversy over whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or a movie that just happens to take place at Christmas. This was revisited at the party -- I think that Sophia/chemprof101 was in the minority, but she was adamantly against it. Me, I am ambivalent -- I used to be firmly in the "not a Christmas movie" camp but my (late) best friend insisted it was a Christmas movie and was at the time we met the only Christmas movie she had ever seen. Since she died in 2017 it is now classified as "Sandra's Favorite Christmas Movie" in my mind.

This book was a delight. It significantly condensed the plot and it left out my two favorite characters -- the chauffeur driver (I feel bad for forgetting his name) and Theo the terrorist computer geek. It left out most of the best lines. And I don't think the illustrator did as good a job capturing Bruce Willis as he did Alan Rickman (RIP). Even a few of the rhymes and borrowed snatches of the original poem were a bit forced. Nonetheless it is a great kitschy read for this time of year. I think I will pass it along to Sophia to read next.

Journal Entry 3 by wing6of8wing at BCinDC meet-up in -- Mail or by hand-rings, RABCK, meetings, Maryland USA on Saturday, January 18, 2025

Released 3 wks ago (1/18/2025 UTC) at BCinDC meet-up in -- Mail or by hand-rings, RABCK, meetings, Maryland USA


Taking the opportunity to share this book at the January meet-up at La Madeleine in Gaithersburg. I do hope there won't be a fight over this gem.

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Journal Entry 4 by wingKateKintailwing at Burke, Virginia USA on Saturday, January 18, 2025
I read this during the BCinDC meetup today. I've only seen Die Hard once, though I have written fanfic for it, so I'm pretty familiar with the movie. I loved this retelling in Night Before Christmas rhyming style! There were a lot of recognizable moments and it was pretty funny the way characters were dispatched of in sing-songy explanation.

I'm glad I got a chance to read it! And, for the record, I'm in the "Yes, it's a Christmas Movie" camp. Because it takes place at Christmas and has a lot of elements you'd find in a Christmas movie, including a couple rediscovering affection for each other. If you think about it, take the holiday out of almost any Christmas movie, and it's just a heartwarming movie. So if it's set at Christmas, that means it's a Christmas movie.

Journal Entry 5 by mom-oyster at Gaithersburg, Maryland USA on Monday, January 20, 2025
Someone made me take this book at the BCinDC meetup. I’ll probably read so I can say I finished a book this month, 🙄

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