The Traveling Book

by Charissa Bates | Children's Books |
ISBN: 9798986348605 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingGoryDetailswing of Nashua, New Hampshire USA on 12/11/2024
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Journal Entry 1 by wingGoryDetailswing from Nashua, New Hampshire USA on Wednesday, December 11, 2024
I got this slim softcover from an online seller. It's a very charming tale from the viewpoint of a book, one that starts out its travels in a bookstore, is purchased as a gift, shared with a class at school - and eventually is placed in a Little Free Library, where its travels have only just begun. Cute illustrations (often including cats, which the reader is challenged to spot) featuring lots of different styles of Little Free Libraries, with the occasional stay on someone's bookshelves before moving on again. There's a stop at a thrift store, too, but eventually our little book is off to another round of LFLs and happy readers.

The book has a "places I've been" section at the end, with blank lines where people can note where they found the book.

All this seems perfect for a BookCrossing book, doesn't it!

Released 1 mo ago (1/14/2025 UTC) at LFL - Charles Bancroft Hwy (30) - Chik Farm in Litchfield, New Hampshire USA


I left this book in this new-to-me Little Free Library; hope someone enjoys it!

[See other recent releases in NH here.]

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