
by Jon Ronson | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0330375458 Global Overview for this book
Registered by BettyWhatever of Brunswick, Victoria Australia on 11/13/2024
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Journal Entry 1 by BettyWhatever from Brunswick, Victoria Australia on Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Leftover from the Gunnas Médecins Sans Frontières jumble sale.

A wide variety of extremist groups, from Islamic fundamentalists to neo-Nazis, share the oddly similar belief that a tiny shadowy elite rule the world from a secret room. In Them, journalist Jon Ronson has joined the extremists to track down the fabled secret room.

As a journalist and a Jew, Ronson was often considered one of “Them,” but he had no idea if their meetings actually took place. Was he just not invited? Them takes us across three continents and into the secret room. Along the way he meets Omar Bakri Mohammed, considered one of the most dangerous men in Great Britain, PR-savvy Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Thom Robb, and the survivors of Ruby Ridge. He is chased by men in dark glasses and unmasked as a Jew in the middle of a Jihad training camp. In the forests of northern California he even witnesses CEOs and leading politicians—like Dick Cheney—undertake a bizarre owl ritual.

Ronson’s investigations, by turns creepy and comical, reveal some alarming things about the looking-glass world of “us” and “them.” Them is a deep and fascinating look at the lives and minds of extremists. Are the extremists onto something? Or is Jon Ronson becoming one of them?

Journal Entry 2 by BettyWhatever at Brunswick, Victoria Australia on Wednesday, November 13, 2024
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Released 4 wks ago (1/15/2025 UTC) at Brunswick Neighbourhood House (Warr Park) in Brunswick, Victoria Australia


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