Istanbul - Memories and the City

by Orhan Pamuk | Biographies & Memoirs | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9780571218332 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingAylaMeywing of Zeist, Utrecht Netherlands on 1/16/2025
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingAylaMeywing from Zeist, Utrecht Netherlands on Thursday, January 16, 2025
An extraordinary and transcendentally beautiful book . . . It is a long time since I have read a book of such crystalline originality, or one that moved me so much.' Katie Hickman

Turkey's greatest living novelist guides us through the monuments and lost paradises, dilapidated Ottoman villas, back streets and waterways of Istanbul - the city of his birth and home of his imagination.

'This evocative book succeeds at both its tasks. It is one of the most touching childhood memoirs I have read in a very in a very long time; and it makes me yearn - more than any glossy tourist brochure could possibly do - to be once again in Istanbul.' Noel Malcolm

'An irresistibly seductive book, and its seduction lies not in the author's self-portrait, but in his poetical identification with Istanbul . . . His novels have already made him celebrated throughout the world, but perhaps he will be longest remembered for this wistful memorial to the city of his heart.'

Journal Entry 2 by wingAylaMeywing at Minibieb Kroostweg-Noord PGGM in Zeist, Utrecht Netherlands on Thursday, January 16, 2025

Released 1 mo ago (1/16/2025 UTC) at Minibieb Kroostweg-Noord PGGM in Zeist, Utrecht Netherlands


This book was donated to me for the purpose of BookCrossing by Emmaus Boekwinkel, Burgemeester de Withstraat 14, De Bilt.

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