Winter of the World (The Century Trilogy)
by Ken Follett | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9781447231134 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 9781447231134 Global Overview for this book
Registered by AylaMey of Zeist, Utrecht Netherlands on 11/6/2024
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Five linked families live out their destinies as the world is shaken by tyranny and war in the mid-twentieth century.
Berlin in 1933 is in upheaval. Eleven-year-old Carla von Ulrich struggles to understand the tensions disrupting her family as Hitler strengthens his grip on Germany. Into this turmoil steps her mother's formidable friend and former British MP, Ethel Leckwith, and her student son, Lloyd, who soon learns for himself the brutal reality of Nazism. He also encounters a group of Germans resolved to oppose Hitler - but are they willing to go so far as to betray their country? Such people are closely watched by Volodya, a Russian with a bright future in Red Army Intelligence.
At Cambridge Lloyd is irresistibly drawn to dazzling American socialite Daisy Peshkov, who represents everything his left-wing family despise. But Daisy is more interested in aristocratic Boy Fitzherbert - amateur pilot, party lover and leading light of the British Union of Fascists.
Berlin in 1933 is in upheaval. Eleven-year-old Carla von Ulrich struggles to understand the tensions disrupting her family as Hitler strengthens his grip on Germany. Into this turmoil steps her mother's formidable friend and former British MP, Ethel Leckwith, and her student son, Lloyd, who soon learns for himself the brutal reality of Nazism. He also encounters a group of Germans resolved to oppose Hitler - but are they willing to go so far as to betray their country? Such people are closely watched by Volodya, a Russian with a bright future in Red Army Intelligence.
At Cambridge Lloyd is irresistibly drawn to dazzling American socialite Daisy Peshkov, who represents everything his left-wing family despise. But Daisy is more interested in aristocratic Boy Fitzherbert - amateur pilot, party lover and leading light of the British Union of Fascists.
Journal Entry 2 by AylaMey at Minibieb Kroostweg-Noord PGGM in Zeist, Utrecht Netherlands on Monday, November 11, 2024
Released 1 mo ago (11/11/2024 UTC) at Minibieb Kroostweg-Noord PGGM in Zeist, Utrecht Netherlands
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