Robert B. Parker's Slow Burn (Spenser)

by Ace Atkins | Mystery & Thrillers | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0399170855 Global Overview for this book
Registered by rockridge of Morton Grove, Illinois USA on 10/16/2024
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Journal Entry 1 by rockridge from Morton Grove, Illinois USA on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
The Morton Grove (IL USA) Library regularly cleans house, and some of the volumes removed to make room for newer writing migrate to book exchange shelves in the Morton Grove Metra station. It's a wonderful way for those who browse these shelves to take a chance on new authors without making much of a commitment. That’s how I found Parker, so now I’m snapping up Spenser books when I see them.

Released 3 wks ago (11/6/2024 UTC) at Morton Grove Senior Center 2nd floor library in Morton Grove, Illinois USA


This is going to be my new crossing spot, at least until the Metra station bookcase is back in play. The library is large and I had no trouble picking up three books to replace this one and two others I left. Slow Burn joined a raft of other Parker/Atkins books awaiting new readers.

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