Aventura en la Plaza Mayor de Madrid
by Antonio de Benito Monge | Children's Books | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
Registered by adrian_gaston of Madrid - Latina, Madrid Spain on 9/16/2024
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1 journaler for this copy...

Es un cuento por la Conmemoración del IV Centenario de la Plaza Mayor de Madrid.

Journal Entry 2 by adrian_gaston at Centro Sociocultural Moratalaz in Madrid - Moratalaz, Madrid Spain on Monday, September 16, 2024
Released 4 mos ago (9/19/2024 UTC) at Centro Sociocultural Moratalaz in Madrid - Moratalaz, Madrid Spain
Lo dejaré en la estantería que hay nada más entrar.