Gap Creek: The Story of a Marriage

by Robert Morgan | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0743203631 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Chalkalot of Warrenton, Virginia USA on 7/26/2002
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Chalkalot from Warrenton, Virginia USA on Friday, July 26, 2002
"The Story of a Marriage" Another recommendation from Oprah's Book Club. Julie Harmon has always been known as a really hard worker - she's used to having people depend on her. When she marries Hank (barely out of her teenage years) and moves to their home on Gap Creek, things are no different. Theirs is not an evenly paved road to follow, they cope with struggles and surprises and hope that love will carry them through.

Journal Entry 2 by Elaine124 from Westfield, New Jersey USA on Monday, August 26, 2002
I just started to read it last night, and it has me enthralled. Robert Morgan is able to describe the feelings of an adolescent girl as she falls in love. As I read, I looked for mistakes because I can hardly imagine writing as a member of the opposite sex. I'm enjoying reading about the difficulty of growing up on a farm many years ago. Julie has to chop wood to heat the house and pull it on a sled when it's too icy for the horses to work. The author describes all with great detail.

Journal Entry 3 by Chalkalot from Warrenton, Virginia USA on Tuesday, August 27, 2002
As you can see, I passed this book on to Elaine 124... Enjoy, Elaine!

Journal Entry 4 by Elaine124 from Westfield, New Jersey USA on Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Robert Morgan was able to realistically describe in detail what a woman feels when she is going into labor and giving birth. I loved his skill in writing from a woman's view.
"Morgan Casts a stark story peopled with real, believable, and honest characters." --Victoria Brownworth, The Baltimore Sun
I've given the book to someone who was in my house today. She loves reading and maybe she'll get more people interested in BookCrossings.

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