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What Are You Going Through

by Sigrid Nunez | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0349013675 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingmeganhwing of Preston, Victoria Australia on 7/30/2024
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingmeganhwing from Preston, Victoria Australia on Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Left in my street library.

Released 4 mos ago (10/1/2024 UTC) at Street Library - Regent St - Oh The Places You’ll Go in Preston, Victoria Australia


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Journal Entry 3 by hunterplane at Preston, Victoria Australia on Saturday, November 23, 2024
An incredibly well-written and moving novel on life, death, friendship, family and a woman's experience that is not spoken about enough. I didn't know anything about Nunez so went in blind, and have come away deeply affected by this wonderful book.

Released 3 wks ago (1/17/2025 UTC) at Street Library - Regent St - Oh The Places You’ll Go in Preston, Victoria Australia


Loved this book! have released it back so I hope someone else enjoys it

Journal Entry 5 by wingmeganhwing at Preston, Victoria Australia on Friday, January 17, 2025
Thank you so much for releasing this back into my street library. I had not read it beforehand and because of your great review, I wished I had done so. Now I can; I shall add it to my pile of books TBR (to be read).

Journal Entry 6 by wingmeganhwing at Preston, Victoria Australia on Sunday, February 2, 2025
A powerful story of a woman dying from Cancer, who chooses to end her life on her own terms. The request she makes to her friend to assist her in her wish is both confronting and deeply emotional.
The interaction between the two as they spent the few weeks together was both tragic and even sometimes comedic. They grew extremely close as they each came to terms with the timing of the friend’s momentous decision.
We do not learn names of any of the characters in the book, and I felt this gave the story more impact. I also liked the many literary references which were made throughout the book.
A work of fiction, but it felt like this could be anyone’s story. I will now look for “The Friend”, the writer’s previous book.

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