The Reader

by Bernhard Schlink | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9780307454898 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingbuttonbrightwing of Raleigh, North Carolina USA on 1/16/2025
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Journal Entry 1 by wingbuttonbrightwing from Raleigh, North Carolina USA on Thursday, January 16, 2025
INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • Hailed for its coiled eroticism and the moral claims it makes upon the reader, this mesmerizing novel is a story of love and secrets, horror and compassion, unfolding against the haunted landscape of postwar Germany.

"A formally beautiful, disturbing and finally morally devastating novel." —Los Angeles Times

When he falls ill on his way home from school, fifteen-year-old Michael Berg is rescued by Hanna, a woman twice his age. In time she becomes his lover—then she inexplicably disappears. When Michael next sees her, he is a young law student, and she is on trial for a hideous crime. As he watches her refuse to defend her innocence, Michael gradually realizes that Hanna may be guarding a secret she considers more shameful than murder.

I found this book on the discount shelves of a local used book store.

Journal Entry 2 by wingbuttonbrightwing at Deco Free Book Drop in Raleigh, North Carolina USA on Friday, January 17, 2025

Released 3 wks ago (1/17/2025 UTC) at Deco Free Book Drop in Raleigh, North Carolina USA


Left @ Deco Free Book Drop (Little Free Library #35995) @ W Hargett St & S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC. (Latitude: 35°46'41.6"N, Longitude: 78°38'24.4"W) #raleighspace #BookCrossing

I am buying books from the outside shelves at The Readers Corner (a Raleigh used book store) and releasing them. This is one of those books. If you like it, take it and write a journal entry at - its easy and anonymous. Then when you are done with it, find a nice person or place to release it. I look forward to reading your thoughts on this book and finding out where you got it from. This book is on an adventure we can share with it.

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