By Ali Smith The Accidental (1st Penguin edition) [Paperback]
Registered by Cassandra2020 of Roslin, Scotland United Kingdom on 6/27/2024
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The Accidental by Ali Smith - Good
Gosh, it's ages since I read this. I really should have written up my thoughts sooner as it's all a little hazy now.
The Smart family are all a little self absorbed/dysfunctional. Mother is a writer suffering from writer's block. Father a university lecturer with a penchant for seducing his students. Magnus is their teenage son hiding his involvement in a tragic bullying incident and then there is Astrid their daughter, younger and trying to find her place in the world.
It's the summer holidays and they decamp to a house in Norfolk so that the mother can write and they can all get away from the day to day. Then one day Amber appears. She just walks in the door and settles in. The family are so uncommunicative they each think that she's been invited by someone else and never confirm this. She slowly worms her way in and undermines the relationships further. Just what is her motive..... and what will be her impact
Gosh, it's ages since I read this. I really should have written up my thoughts sooner as it's all a little hazy now.
The Smart family are all a little self absorbed/dysfunctional. Mother is a writer suffering from writer's block. Father a university lecturer with a penchant for seducing his students. Magnus is their teenage son hiding his involvement in a tragic bullying incident and then there is Astrid their daughter, younger and trying to find her place in the world.
It's the summer holidays and they decamp to a house in Norfolk so that the mother can write and they can all get away from the day to day. Then one day Amber appears. She just walks in the door and settles in. The family are so uncommunicative they each think that she's been invited by someone else and never confirm this. She slowly worms her way in and undermines the relationships further. Just what is her motive..... and what will be her impact
Journal Entry 3 by Cassandra2020 at Biblos, Chambers Street in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, June 30, 2024
Released 2 mos ago (6/30/2024 UTC) at Biblos, Chambers Street in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
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Join Bookcrossers at the BCUK Durham Unconvention from 20-22 September 2024
If you do join Bookcrossing, you'll be able to see what happens to it afterwards - for ever!
Join Bookcrossers at the BCUK Durham Unconvention from 20-22 September 2024
Journal Entry 4 by Cassandra2020 at LFL - Roslin in Roslin, Scotland United Kingdom on Monday, August 5, 2024
Released 1 mo ago (8/5/2024 UTC) at LFL - Roslin in Roslin, Scotland United Kingdom
Although this book is registered at, you don't have to be a member. It's perfectly OK to just take the book and enjoy it. Of course, if you can visit the website and let us know that you've picked it up, that would be even better - you don't even have to join, you can add your comments anonymously - you can also post your review when you've read it, then return it or pass it on to someone else.
If you do join Bookcrossing, you'll be able to see what happens to it afterwards - for ever!
Join Bookcrossers at the BCUK Durham Unconvention from 20-22 September 2024
If you do join Bookcrossing, you'll be able to see what happens to it afterwards - for ever!
Join Bookcrossers at the BCUK Durham Unconvention from 20-22 September 2024