Mission France: The True History of the Women in SOE
2 journalers for this copy...
Purchased at the Imperial War Museum whilst on a short trip away to London.
A fascinating set of individual stories all jumbled up together. I still can't decide whether I liked the author's approach of breaking everything into themes and chronology rather than dealing with each woman at a time. On one hand, it prevents repetition. but it does make it much harder to work out each woman was which at times - especially as several of them share first names! The code names made things more complicated to follow as well.
Despite this, as a reader you can't help but be moved by the extraordinary bravery of all of them. Mistakes were made - and I appreciated the inclusion of those - but all of them were incredible in one way or another.
Despite this, as a reader you can't help but be moved by the extraordinary bravery of all of them. Mistakes were made - and I appreciated the inclusion of those - but all of them were incredible in one way or another.
Journal Entry 3 by LittleSuz at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, August 11, 2024
Released 1 mo ago (8/11/2024 UTC) at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
Taken to book festival meetup.
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If you are new to bookcrossing - welcome and congratulations for finding a book! Please leave a journal entry to let me and any other readers know where it has gone and what you thought of it.
Picked up at the BookFest meetup - thank you