Dark Secret, The (Wings of Fire: The Graphic Novel #4)

by Tui T. Sutherland; Barry Deutsch; Rachel Swirsky; Mike Holmes; Maarta Laiho | Graphic Novels | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9781338344219 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingShadZwing of Lakewood, Colorado USA on 5/4/2024
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Journal Entry 1 by wingShadZwing from Lakewood, Colorado USA on Saturday, May 4, 2024
Original novel by Tui T. Sutherland
Adapted by Barry Deutsch and Rachel Swirsky
Art by Mike Holmes
Color by Maarta Laiho

"When Starflight is stolen by his own tribe, he hopes to at least discover some of the long-held NightWing secrets -- what magical powers they really have, who they're allied with in the war, and where they've been living all this time.
"But the truth about Starflight's tribe is more terrible than he ever imagined: Not only do the NightWings live in a dark, miserable place, but they've imprisoned several innocent RainWings there, too. Stranded and alone, Starflight only wants to get back to his friends. But the fate of two kingdoms now rests in his talons, and with no one to save him, Starflight will have to find a way to be brave . . . before it's too late."

Released 9 mos ago (5/4/2024 UTC) at Aurora Market - Buckingham Village Shopping Center in Aurora, Colorado USA


In the empty pay phone outside.
Happy Free Comic Book Day!

** Released for the 2024 52 towns in 52 weeks challenge. **

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