Mrs England
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I hope you'll join BookCrossing (doesn't cost anything to join!) and if you do, please consider using me, earthcaroleanne, as your referring member. When you’ve finished reading this book and are ready to send it on its way again, make a journal entry if you are giving or sending this book to a known person, or a release note if you are leaving it “in the wild” again for anyone to catch. Then watch its journey. You’ll be alerted by e mail each time someone makes another journal entry. And it’s confidential (you are known only by your screen name and no one is ever given your e-mail address), free, and spam-free.
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West Yorkshire, 1904, When newly graduated nurse Ruby May takes a position looking after the children of Charles and Lilian England, a wealthy couple from a powerful dynasty of mill owners, she hopes it will be the fresh start she needs. But as she adapts to life at the isolated Hardcastle House, it becomes clear there's something not quite right about the beautiful, mysterious Mrs England. Ostracised by the other servants and feeling increasingly uneasy, soon a series of strange events will force Ruby to question everything she thought she knew...
You know there is something wrong with the family in this book, but what is it? Is it Mrs England? Is it Mr England? Or is it Ruby? You can’t quite decide what it is so you need to keep reading. I loved the historical detail creating the Edwardian atmosphere and the main characters are well-drawn. Plus there is a really interesting author’s note at the end about the origin of this story.
Journal Entry 4 by earthcaroleanne at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, August 11, 2024
Released 1 mo ago (8/12/2024 UTC) at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
Taking to the Edinburgh Book Festival meet up.
Picked up at the Book Festival meetup, thank you. Looks interesting.