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Henry IV, Part Two
by William Shakespeare (edited by Norman N. Holland) | Plays & Scripts |
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
Registered by eddiejc1 of Gaithersburg, Maryland USA on 2/19/2024
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

Even though many people have seen "Henry IV, Part One" on community or regional stages, it may come as a surprise that there is a sequel, because it's rarely performed in the US except by troupes devoted to performing all of Shakespeare's plays. That's because Americans like happy endings and this doesn't have one, especially if you love Falstaff.

Thanks for this mass market paperback (c. 1963), eddiejc1. I hope to release it soon in the Little Free Library of Twinbrook (#7720).
Thanks for this mass market paperback (c. 1963), eddiejc1. I hope to release it soon in the Little Free Library of Twinbrook (#7720).

Journal Entry 3 by
at LFL - Vandegrift Ave (5811) #7720 in Rockville, Maryland USA on Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Released 2 wks ago (1/22/2025 UTC) at LFL - Vandegrift Ave (5811) #7720 in Rockville, Maryland USA
Enjoy the book!

I selected this book from the Little Free Library of Twinbrook (#7720) to travel elsewhere.

Journal Entry 5 by
at LFL - Mattie JT Stepanek Park (For Adults) in Rockville, Maryland USA on Thursday, January 30, 2025

Released 1 wk ago (1/30/2025 UTC) at LFL - Mattie JT Stepanek Park (For Adults) in Rockville, Maryland USA
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