I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001

by Lauren Tarshis | Children's Books |
ISBN: 9780545207003 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingGoryDetailswing of Nashua, New Hampshire USA on 2/16/2024
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Journal Entry 1 by wingGoryDetailswing from Nashua, New Hampshire USA on Friday, February 16, 2024
I got this softcover from Better World Books, for another release copy.

There's an interesting note from the author as to why she wrote this book; she hadn't intended to, but received so many requests from students via email and during her public appearances that she finally realized that it might help them to know more about the events than "ancient history". Her own personal experiences of that day are included in the bonus material.

This story centers on fictional characters, including young Lucas whose father and uncle are both firefighters. Lucas is avid about playing football, but has just received his third concussion in a couple of years and is horrified to hear that his doctor recommends he stop playing entirely. When his parents agree, he decides to visit his uncle - based at a firehouse near the World Trade Center... Yes, this puts him far too near Ground Zero when the first plane hits, and gives the reader a truly wrenching view of events. I admit I teared up more than once reading the story, and while I don't know how kids will react to it, I think it's a well-written and accurate look at the attacks, the bravery of the first responders, and the resilience of the survivors.

Released 4 wks ago (1/19/2025 UTC) at LFL - Benson Park - 19 Kimball Hill Rd in Hudson, New Hampshire USA


I left this book in the Little Free Library ahead of a snowstorm. Hope someone enjoys it!

[See other recent releases in NH here.]

Released for:

** 2025 Asian Zodiac / Year of the Snake challenge **

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