The Outlander
2 journalers for this copy...
Picked up from an LFL in the Craiglockhart area. Looks fun.
A beautifully-written and engrossing novel about a woman beating the odds to survive - and eventually thrive - whilst on the run for murdering her husband in early 20th-century rural Canada. The characters were great and the plot kept me guessing all the way.
Journal Entry 3 by LittleSuz at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, August 11, 2024
Released 1 mo ago (8/11/2024 UTC) at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
Taken to book festival meetup.
If you are new to bookcrossing - welcome and congratulations for finding a book! Please leave a journal entry to let me and any other readers know where it has gone and what you thought of it.
If you are new to bookcrossing - welcome and congratulations for finding a book! Please leave a journal entry to let me and any other readers know where it has gone and what you thought of it.
Caught at the Book festival meet up. Thank you!
I didn't finish this in time for the Sunday book festival meet up. I really enjoyed this book, not least the ending which I though was great, and I didn't see it coming at all. A good range of characters as well as a good story. I think I'll save this for the next book box that comes my way.