The Carpenter's Pencil

by Manuel Rivas | Literature & Fiction |
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Registered by veleta of Willesden, Greater London United Kingdom on 2/2/2024
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by veleta from Willesden, Greater London United Kingdom on Friday, February 2, 2024
I guess it is historical novel.

However, this has encouraged me to give it a rest and I will rid the original in Galician. Some things sounded a bit weird to me.

The novel begins with a reporter -- that will disappear completely later -- who has made an appointment to interview an elderly man who has returned to Spain with the democracy.

Doctor Daniel da Barca is a medical doctor who is in prison because he has always supported the Republican side. The Spanish Civil War is still fought on somewhere else. One of the guards is in love with Marisa Mallo, the daughter of a local prominent family. But Marisa will go through hell to stay with the doctor in spite of the opposition of her family.

The title of the book comes from a painter who uses a carpenter's pencil to draw the figures of the Portico da Gloria, but then he starts drawing the inmates of the local prison in A Coruña.

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