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The Little World of Don Camillo

Registered by veleta of Willesden, Greater London United Kingdom on 2/2/2024
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by veleta from Willesden, Greater London United Kingdom on Friday, February 2, 2024
This is a novel in 22 short stories.

The three last short stories are more serious, but but the rest are quite humorous. Actually, I didn't like the ending too much.

I am an atheist, but I was raised in the Catholic religion, so I can understand the culture. The author wrote several books around the fights between Don Camillo the parish priest and Peppne, the mayor of a small village, and the leader of the Communist Party in this rural area.

I liked the two anecdotes which the author tells in his introduction to describe the rural area where he grew up himself.

I hope this book finds a reader who appreciates this novel.

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