The Professor
3 journalers for this copy...
"Written two years before "Jane Eyre", "The Professor" was Charlotte Brontë´s first novel and was based on her own experiences in Brussels, although it was not published until after her death. The story is one of love and doubt as the hero, William Crimsworth, seeks his fortune as a teacher in Brussels and finds his love for the good Anglo-Swiss girl, Frances Henri, severeky tested by the sensuously beguiling and manipulative headmistress, Zoraïde Reuter."
Sent today to the winner of the Classics Sweepstakes.
Congrats on winning... and enjoy! :)
Congrats on winning... and enjoy! :)
Thank you! I guess I really am the winner of the sweeps :-)
I read The Professor a long time ago and have a copy still on my shelf, but receiving this second copy may prompt me to reread. I can't remember very much about it, other than the fact I didn't like William Crimsworth much first time round! I was in my 20s then, so may feel differently in my 40s now.
I read The Professor a long time ago and have a copy still on my shelf, but receiving this second copy may prompt me to reread. I can't remember very much about it, other than the fact I didn't like William Crimsworth much first time round! I was in my 20s then, so may feel differently in my 40s now.
I still don't like William Crimsworth much, but I found his gradual love affair with Frances surprisingly sweet to read.
The Professor is a strange novel as the plot takes second place to Bronte's self-indulgent exploration of career, life, and relationships. Reading it, I get a strong sense that she was trying to create her ideal husband in fiction. This is especially strange to process given that the result was William Crimsworth, who is at times unbearably priggish and self-important.
I'm glad I reread it. I suspect I got more out of this read than I did the first time 20+ years ago.
The Professor is a strange novel as the plot takes second place to Bronte's self-indulgent exploration of career, life, and relationships. Reading it, I get a strong sense that she was trying to create her ideal husband in fiction. This is especially strange to process given that the result was William Crimsworth, who is at times unbearably priggish and self-important.
I'm glad I reread it. I suspect I got more out of this read than I did the first time 20+ years ago.
Journal Entry 5 by LittleSuz at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, August 11, 2024
Released 1 mo ago (8/11/2024 UTC) at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
Taken to Book festival meetup.
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If you are new to bookcrossing - welcome and congratulations for finding a book! Please leave a journal entry to let me and any other readers know where it has gone and what you thought of it.
Picked up at the BookFest meetup - thank you