Shopoholic and sister

by Sophie Kinsella | Humor | This book has not been rated.
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Registered by loucollbooks of Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on 11/28/2023
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Journal Entry 1 by loucollbooks from Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Book 4 : Becky thought being married to Luke Brandon would be one big Tiffany box of happiness. But to
be honest, it's not quite as dreamy as she'd hoped.

The trouble started on honeymoon, when she told Luke the tiniest little fib, about the teeniest little purchase. Now she's on a strict budget, she doesn't have a job - and worst of all her beloved Suze has a new best friend. Then she receives some incredible news. She has a long-lost sister!

Becky has never been more excited. Finally, a real sister! They'll have so much in common! They can go shopping together... choose shoes together... have manicures together...
Until she meets her - and gets the shock of her life. It can't be true. Surely Becky Bloomwood's long-lost sister can't... hate shopping?

Journal Entry 2 by loucollbooks at Loughborough College in Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (11/28/2023 UTC) at Loughborough College in Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom


Enjoy and pass on

Journal Entry 3 by loucollbooks at Loughborough College in Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (11/28/2023 UTC) at Loughborough College in Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom


Enjoy and pass on

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