Vote for the 2025 BC Day contest winner... again! New entries added!
Please take a moment to check these great new entries here.A Wrinkle in Time
Registered by Enbylievable of Calgary, Alberta Canada on 11/26/2023
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

1 journaler for this copy...

Read this as part of a long-distance book club!

Journal Entry 2 by Enbylievable at -- C-Train & Stations (details in notes) in Calgary, Alberta Canada on Friday, December 1, 2023
Released 1 yr ago (12/1/2023 UTC) at -- C-Train & Stations (details in notes) in Calgary, Alberta Canada
Look for this at the 45th St CTrain station on the Saddletowne side!
Thank you for picking up the book that I left! Bookcrossing is kind of like a global scavenger hunt, but for books! If you're interested, please consider making an account of your own and making a journal entry for the book you just found. Then, when you're done with it, leave it somewhere cool for someone else to find! You can also register your own books, so that they can be part of the game too! Happy hunting!
Thank you for picking up the book that I left! Bookcrossing is kind of like a global scavenger hunt, but for books! If you're interested, please consider making an account of your own and making a journal entry for the book you just found. Then, when you're done with it, leave it somewhere cool for someone else to find! You can also register your own books, so that they can be part of the game too! Happy hunting!