When the Green Woods Laugh

by H. E. Bates | Literature & Fiction |
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Registered by ETMadrid of Rotherhithe, Greater London United Kingdom on 11/5/2023
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Journal Entry 1 by ETMadrid from Rotherhithe, Greater London United Kingdom on Sunday, November 5, 2023
This is a beautiful classic pre-ISBN penguin book that some people collect these days. When I was growing out of children's books my family didn't know what to give me to read. My aunt was the only reader in the family and she gave me several H. E. Bates books to be getting on with. I'm sure they're very dated these days but I did love his writing.

Journal Entry 2 by ETMadrid at Biblioteca Pública de Galdós in Madrid - Retiro, Madrid Spain on Sunday, December 3, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (12/3/2023 UTC) at Biblioteca Pública de Galdós in Madrid - Retiro, Madrid Spain


Leaving this in this very fine open air bookshelf. Taking a National Geographic feature on Frida Khalo in exchange.

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