Life's Too Short
2 journalers for this copy...
A new novel left in our Little Free Library, #95058 in Halton Hills, Ontario.
Journal Entry 2 by Bookgirrl at LFL - Fourth Line (14229) #95058 in Acton, Ontario Canada on Saturday, September 16, 2023
Released 1 yr ago (9/16/2023 UTC) at LFL - Fourth Line (14229) #95058 in Acton, Ontario Canada
Dear Finder of this book: You have found a free "travelling" book, registered on What is Bookcrossing? It is a world-wide book lover's group. It is basically geo-caching for books. It is free, anonymous and aims "to make the whole world a library". It also fosters a love of reading by leaving free books in public places. Please take a moment to make a Journal Entry (see label inside the cover) so we know it's been found. When you are done with the book, "set it free" and help its journey continue.
I started reading this novel over dinner at the Harbord House cafe and enjoyed it so much that I took it home to finish. A heartwarming story with endearing characters and a lot of humour, even when dealing with difficult circumstances.
Journal Entry 4 by CarolynSHarris at Islington United Church in Toronto, Ontario Canada on Sunday, June 23, 2024
Released 6 mos ago (6/23/2024 UTC) at Islington United Church in Toronto, Ontario Canada
I enjoyed this book immensely - releasing it in the Little Free Library at Islington United Church