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Le comte de Monte Cristo. Tome deuxième

by Alexandre Dumas | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingPasseur-Xwing of Strasbourg, Alsace France on 5/2/2023
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5 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingPasseur-Xwing from Strasbourg, Alsace France on Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Second de deux volumes.

Journal Entry 2 by wingPasseur-Xwing at Strasbourg, Alsace France on Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (5/30/2023 UTC) at Strasbourg, Alsace France


Pris par une visiteuse.

Journal Entry 3 by wingIndy2012wing at Strasbourg, Alsace France on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Une œuvre que j'avais envie de relire.

Journal Entry 4 by wingIndy2012wing at Strasbourg, Alsace France on Saturday, August 12, 2023
J'avais oublié mille détails, et j'ai bien fait de le relire. Ce fut un vrai plaisir.

Journal Entry 5 by wingIndy2012wing at Le Marché Bar in Strasbourg, Alsace France on Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (9/6/2023 UTC) at Le Marché Bar in Strasbourg, Alsace France


Libéré à l'occasion de la rencontre mensuelle des bookcrosseurs strasbourgeois.
Voilà ce qui est génial dans le bookcrossing : on découvre des livres devant lesquels on aurait pu passer sans s'arrêter, et c'est magique.
Et donc, bienvenue à toi, nouveau lecteur qui a découvert celui-ci !
Merci de t'être connecté sur ce site. N'hésite pas à t'inscrire (sous un pseudo), c'est totalement gratuit et anonyme. Aucun spam non plus. Juste un grand plaisir : suivre le voyage des livres en liberté.
Des questions ? De nombreux bookcrosseurs prêts à te répondre sur le forum :

Journal Entry 6 by wingResQgeekwing at Alexandria, Virginia USA on Wednesday, June 5, 2024
This was handed to me at tonight's BookCrossing gathering in Strasbourg, France, to take back to the US with me. I'll have to find a Little Free Library somewhere where it can wait for someone who can read French to find it.

Journal Entry 7 by wingResQgeekwing at Alexandria, Virginia USA on Sunday, June 16, 2024

Released 7 mos ago (6/16/2024 UTC) at Alexandria, Virginia USA


I'm taking this book to today's BC-in-DC meeting to see if anyone has any thoughts about where it might find a reader who wants to read this story in French.


Welcome to, where we are trying to making the whole world a library!

If you have not already done so, please make a journal entry so we know this book has found a new home. You don't need to join BookCrossing and you can remain completely anonymous. However, we encourage you to join so that you can follow this book's future travels. It's fun and free, and your personal information will never be shared or sold. If you decide to join, consider listing   ResQgeek (or any of the other journalers) as referring you.

Take your time reading the book, and after you finish, please make another journal entry to record your thoughts about it. This book is now yours, and you can keep it if you choose, though we would love for you to share it. If you pass it along, please make a release note to let others know where you left it.

I hope you enjoy the book!

Journal Entry 8 by wing6of8wing at -- Mail or by hand-rings, RABCK, meetings, etc, Virginia USA on Sunday, June 16, 2024
At today's meet-up, ResQgeek asked if anyone knew of a Little Free Library that would be interested in books in French. I actually do know one not far from my house. I am excited to share this book with them.

Journal Entry 9 by wing6of8wing at LFL - Pearson St (10813) #138670 in Kensington, Maryland USA on Monday, June 17, 2024

Released 7 mos ago (6/17/2024 UTC) at LFL - Pearson St (10813) #138670 in Kensington, Maryland USA


I had to repost the Release Note because I selected the wrong LFL.

I had a few moments tonight so I went to Petite Bibliotheque and added these 2 books.

Any future reader or recipient of this book is encouraged to leave a journal entry here on the BookCrossing site to let prior readers know the fate of the book. You can make an anonymous entry without joining the BookCrossing movement, but if you are interested in joining, it is a free and spam-free community where your contact information is not shared with others. Best of all, members receive private messages via e-mail from books like this one when those books are journaled, allowing for long-term relationships between books and readers.

Journal Entry 10 by Sassypants420 at Kensington, Maryland USA on Thursday, November 28, 2024
J’ai trouvé ce livre à la petite bibliothèque française à Kensington. J’apprends le français et j’ai hâte de le lire pour améliorer mon français et profiter de l’histoire.

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