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Daughter of Albion
Registered by
of Somewhere , Somewhere -- Controlled Releases on 1/14/2025
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

Journal Entry 1 by
from Somewhere , Somewhere -- Controlled Releases on Tuesday, January 14, 2025

About the Book:
A baby girl is abandoned on the doorstep of the Tribequeen's kitchen. Cookmother takes her in and names her Ailia. Without family, Ailia is an outsider in her village, forbidden from marriage and excluded from learning. Despite this, she grows up an intelligent and brave young woman, serving the Tribequeen of her township until the day when an encounter with an enigmatic man named Taliesin leads Ailia to the Mothers, the tribal ancestors, who have chosen her for another path.
Ailia's growing awareness of her future role as the tribal protector and her relationships with the two very different men she loves will be utterly tested by the imminent threat of Emperor Claudius preparing to take the island.
A baby girl is abandoned on the doorstep of the Tribequeen's kitchen. Cookmother takes her in and names her Ailia. Without family, Ailia is an outsider in her village, forbidden from marriage and excluded from learning. Despite this, she grows up an intelligent and brave young woman, serving the Tribequeen of her township until the day when an encounter with an enigmatic man named Taliesin leads Ailia to the Mothers, the tribal ancestors, who have chosen her for another path.
Ailia's growing awareness of her future role as the tribal protector and her relationships with the two very different men she loves will be utterly tested by the imminent threat of Emperor Claudius preparing to take the island.

Journal Entry 2 by
at LFL - Upminster St E (5711) #146958 in Nampa, Idaho USA on Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Happily caught a Book Crossing, Daughter Of Albion by Ilka Tampke. released by J4Shaw in my LFL. Many thanks for choosing my library to release another great book. This book has caught my attention and I hope I can get to it fairly soon, so I can release it back into my LFL for another book lover.

Journal Entry 4 by Bridiebeag at LFL - Upminster St E (5711) #146958 in Nampa, Idaho USA on Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Released 2 wks ago (1/21/2025 UTC) at LFL - Upminster St E (5711) #146958 in Nampa, Idaho USA
I am releasing Daughter Of Albion into my LFL. Come and catch this newest release of an Official Book Crossing Book. I read it in a very short time. It was an enjoyable and entertaining read about ancient Britain. Roman invasion is coming and ancient traditions and their ways will be challenged. At the heart of the story is a young girl that is brave, strong and intelligent. She will be the chosen one to save her people. But she will endure loss, love, fear and unimaginable challenges along the way. She is the heroine that you will be cheering on to beat the impossible.