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Registered by Rijdergijs of Harlingen, Fryslân (Friesland) Netherlands on 1/26/2023
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Journal Entry 1 by Rijdergijs from Harlingen, Fryslân (Friesland) Netherlands on Thursday, January 26, 2023
When is a book a really good book? Not when just the theme of the book is right. Not when just the style is right. Not when just the structure is right. But it WILL be a good book when all these elements come together. 'The seeing stone' is one of these really, really good reads.
A very different approach, where history, the Arthur legend and magic come to life in the mind of a fourteen year old boy. I cannot wait to read the two sequels of this trilogy.

Released 2 yrs ago (1/26/2023 UTC) at Minibieb Hofstraat (Festina Lente) in Harlingen, Fryslân (Friesland) Netherlands


In fact, this is one of those books that I would have liked to keep in my library. But sharing the joy of reading it feels even better.

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