If We Were Villains
Registered by
of Nashua, New Hampshire USA on 1/12/2023
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

1 journaler for this copy...

It's about a group of students in the Shakespeare program at an arts college – whose stage loves and hates seem to be bleed into their real lives. (Some of the descriptions of their productions are so enticing that I craved to see them – even knowing the angst going on backstage!) The story is formatted in an interesting way; Oliver, one of the group, has just been released from prison after serving ten years, and has agreed - now that the crime has been paid for - to tell the truth to the curious police detective who has been involved with the case from the beginning, and who has doubts as to Oliver's guilt. Most of the book is via flashback as Oliver recounts events, relationships, fallings-out, love triangles (quadrangles? it gets complicated), and eventually a death - with much confusion as to who did what and who knew what...
Given that the victim had become ungovernable, violent, and cruel, I had no sympathy there, and rather hoped that the gang would all be able to move along unscathed, but of course that couldn't happen. I won't say more about what DID happen, but overall I enjoyed the story - even if I wish all the characters had gone to therapists right away rather than trying to push through their various emotional, romantic, and/or substance-abuse issues. But then there wouldn't have been a story, so there's that!
[There's a TV Tropes page on the novel, with some interesting tidbits.]

Journal Entry 2 by
at LFL - Pine St (16) in Pembroke, New Hampshire USA on Sunday, April 16, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (4/17/2023 UTC) at LFL - Pine St (16) in Pembroke, New Hampshire USA

[See other recent releases in NH here.]
** Released for the 2023 April Showers/May Flowers challenge, for the ivy on the cover. **