
by James Herbert | Horror |
ISBN: 0330376136 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingNetstationwing of Coventry, West Midlands United Kingdom on 5/19/2004
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingNetstationwing from Coventry, West Midlands United Kingdom on Wednesday, May 19, 2004
For Thom Kindred, life is nothing spectacular. A stroke victim, Thom finds himself partially incapacitated and battling daily to regain control of his life. Moved by haunting dreams of his youth, he travels back to the wooded land where he grew up to recuperate. Surrounded by the comforts of Castle Bracken, Thom plans to relive old, forgotten memories.

But Thom's return has stirred an ancient evil at Castle Bracken, one cloaked in the guise of a friend. His only chance for survival lies in a world that he no longer believes in.

A clever story mixing myth and magick, human and faeriefolk, and it works. A good plot with well crafted characters, and more eroticism than all the other Herbert books put together.

Journal Entry 2 by wingNetstationwing at on Monday, December 13, 2004
Released on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at about 3:00:00 AM BX time (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) at By post in Stratford upon Avon, Sent to another BookCrosser Controlled Releases.


Coming soon to an OBCZ near you, and by that I mean after the vagaries of international post, and if you live close to the destination ;o)

Journal Entry 3 by wingbookczukwing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA on Monday, December 20, 2004
My husband's boss gave me this book when it came out...which was a bit of an unusual present, I thought. But I remember it quite well, even though our copy has mysteriously vanished from the shelves. The story was compelling, erotic (though I could have done with a few less succubus descriptions) but well done.

Anyhow, I shall offer this up to the OBCZ. Thank you Netstation!

I shall duly note for other readers, the following forum post, public thank you and acknowledgement here that Netstation surprised the Queen of Stealth quite handily. ;-)

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