"Don Camillo e il suo gregge"

by Giovannino Guareschi | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
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Registered by BiblioFoGA of Fossano, Piemonte Italy on 12/1/2022
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Journal Entry 1 by BiblioFoGA from Fossano, Piemonte Italy on Thursday, December 1, 2022
"E così don Camillo diventava il parafulmine sul quale si scaricavano le folgori dei rossi".

Journal Entry 2 by BiblioFoGA at Punto BookCrossing Biblioteca in Fossano, Piemonte Italy on Thursday, December 1, 2022

Released 2 yrs ago (12/1/2022 UTC) at Punto BookCrossing Biblioteca in Fossano, Piemonte Italy


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