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We Do Our Part: Toward a Fairer and More Equal America

by Charles Peters | Philosophy | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0812993527 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingbuttonbrightwing of Raleigh, North Carolina USA on 6/1/2023
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Journal Entry 1 by wingbuttonbrightwing from Raleigh, North Carolina USA on Thursday, June 1, 2023
The legendary editor who founded the Washington Monthly explores “the resentful, unequal, uncaring parts of today’s American culture that Trump has inflamed and that have made Trump possible—and how to cope with them” (The Atlantic).

Foreword by Jon Meacham

With clarity and wit, the legendary editor Charles Peters explains the chasm that defines us today: the split between the educated elite and the working-class, rural, and religious voters who live in what's condescendingly—but tellingly—known as flyover country.

The beginning of the end of Trumpism will come when blue-state sophisticates confront their role in creating the political, economic, and cultural resentments that propelled the forty-fifth president into office. Too many Democrats lost touch with the average American, Peters argues, when the liberal elite became more concerned with being smarter, having better taste, and making more money than with understanding why workers were earning less and hated being regarded with contempt. It was this hatred of being looked down on as bigoted boobs in polyester that united working-class, rural, and evangelical voters, and helped set the stage for the culturally populist backlash of 2016 and beyond.

In We Do Our Part, Peters shows us where we have been and where we are going, drawing on his invaluable perspective as a man who has seen America's better days and still believes in the promise that lies ahead.

Praise for We Do Our Part

“[Peters] weaves a synthesis of mainstream and progressive, centrist and popular thought that would re-anchor the Democratic Party, both in its own traditions and in outreach to the restless, angry swath of the country that elected President Trump. . . . Peters is an American original.”—The Washington Post

“A great book about modern American history.”—Chris Matthews, Hardball

I found this book on the discount shelves of a local used book store.

Journal Entry 2 by wingbuttonbrightwing at Deco Free Book Drop in Raleigh, North Carolina USA on Friday, June 2, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (6/2/2023 UTC) at Deco Free Book Drop in Raleigh, North Carolina USA


Left @ Deco Free Book Drop (Little Free Library #35995) @ W Hargett St & S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC. (Latitude: 35°46'41.6"N, Longitude: 78°38'24.4"W) #raleighspace #BookCrossing

I am buying books from the outside shelves at The Readers Corner (a Raleigh used book store) and releasing them. This is one of those books. If you like it, take it and write a journal entry at - its easy and anonymous. Then when you are done with it, find a nice person or place to release it. I look forward to reading your thoughts on this book and finding out where you got it from. This book is on an adventure we can share with it.

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