My Mother's House
1 journaler for this copy...

This excellent novel is not for everyone because it is quite dark (trigger warning). It has been decribed as "a thriller" but I would call it a deep dive into some unspeakable realities about our human species. I heard the author Francesca Momplaisir interviewed by Edwidge Danticat at our local independent bookstore. I have read and loved most of Danticat's books, and she was intoducing a new Haitian-Ameirican writer. So I bought it immediately. The haunting, lyrical and often cryptic style will remind you of Toni Morrison's Beloved. Strongly recommended if you want to read something exquisite and different. By the way, the main character is the house. Momplaisir is also a poet.

Journal Entry 2 by gnissorckoob at Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Miami, Florida USA on Monday, November 22, 2021
Released 3 yrs ago (11/28/2021 UTC) at Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Miami, Florida USA
What's bookcrossing? It's the karma of books. It's random acts of literature. It's a recycling game. You read the book, or pass it along to someone you think can appreciate it, or simply release it in a good place to be found again. Whatever you do, please leave an entry in this online journal so we can all follow its travels.
Planned for release in or around the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami (UUMiami) approximately 11 am Sunday November 28
Planned for release in or around the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami (UUMiami) approximately 11 am Sunday November 28