
by Susanna Clarke | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 1526622432 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingMankyiwing of Zürich, Zürich Switzerland on 11/17/2021
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingMankyiwing from Zürich, Zürich Switzerland on Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Picked up this book at the English Book Swap, at Starbucks Stauffacher.

"Piranesi's house is no ordinary building: its rooms are infinite, its corridors endless, its walls are lined with thousands upon thousands of statues, each one different from all the others. Within the labyrinth of halls an ocean is imprisoned; waves thunder up staircases, rooms are flooded in an instant. But Piranesi is not afraid; he understands the tides as he understands the pattern of the labyrinth itself. He lives to explore the house.

There is one other person in the house—a man called The Other, who visits Piranesi twice a week and asks for help with research into A Great and Secret Knowledge. But as Piranesi explores, evidence emerges of another person, and a terrible truth begins to unravel, revealing a world beyond the one Piranesi has always known."

UPDATE September 2023: This book is so…odd! I couldn’t quite tell what genre it is: fantasy, sci-if, thriller? It’s a story about getting lost in a magical world, and as I’m not too good with reviewing books without giving away some of the plot, I’ll just stop here. Although confusing at time, I really loved the book.

Journal Entry 2 by wingMankyiwing at Parc de Bercy in -Paris 12e, Ile-de-France France on Saturday, September 23, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (9/23/2023 UTC) at Parc de Bercy in -Paris 12e, Ile-de-France France


At the book buffet

If you aren't familiar with Bookcrossing, take a few minutes to check out this very cool site. Bookcrossers LOVE books, and more than anything, they love to read books and then set them free for other people to find and enjoy. I would love it if you would leave a journal entry -- you can say where you found the book or how you liked it when you read it.

Journal Entry 3 by wingeljwing at Paris, Ile-de-France France on Sunday, September 24, 2023
Je l'ai en français, je vais essayer de le recommander...

Journal Entry 4 by wingeljwing at Café Le Bercy in -Paris 12e, Ile-de-France France on Monday, October 9, 2023

Released 12 mos ago (10/10/2023 UTC) at Café Le Bercy in -Paris 12e, Ile-de-France France


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Journal Entry 5 by laure69 at Paris, Ile-de-France France on Sunday, October 22, 2023
I found the beginning very long and muddled and rather unnerving. Then I began to understand what it was all about and it became better. I still have a question : was it supposed to be fantastic or is it just the narration of a horrible experiment ?

Journal Entry 6 by wingsouramwing at Genève, Genève Switzerland on Saturday, September 7, 2024
Ce livre a été apporté par Laure69. Intrigué par 1. Une ecrivaine que je n'ai jamais lue, Susanna Clarke et 2. Un ouvrage avec un satyre jouant de la flûte double antique debout sur une colonne grecque ça avait de quoi me tenter.
Et qui plus est Piranesi... paraît être au programme.
Récupéré à Strasbourg en un samedi 7 septembre estival sur une place du Château grouillant de monde.

Journal Entry 7 by wingsouramwing at Genève, Genève Switzerland on Saturday, September 7, 2024
Hello Mankyi !

Journal Entry 8 by wingsouramwing at Genève, Genève Switzerland on Saturday, September 14, 2024
Drowned halls. A couple of albatrosses come in. I thought about mythology. A daedalus without its Minotaur. Or maybe the Minotaur is the idea itself of this book: sci-fi ? An elaborate trompe-l'œil ? I was curious to discover some magic world but I won't read it further than p.40.
I tried.
Not the ideal reader of this book.

Journal Entry 9 by wingsouramwing at Route de Chancy in Confignon, Genève Switzerland on Monday, September 16, 2024

Released 2 wks ago (9/16/2024 UTC) at Route de Chancy in Confignon, Genève Switzerland


Il ne t'est jamais donné de rêve sans le pouvoir de le réaliser. (Richard Bach)

Quite close to 🚊 tramway stop La Dode. Watch one of the silly poles by Éric Hattan. As some poles aren't regular ones but artworks 😀
Eric Hattan was born in Wettingen (Switzerland) in 1955.
Eric Hattan some artworks

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