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Something Wicked

by Carolyn Hart | Mystery & Thrillers | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0307575160 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingethereawing of Little Rock, Arkansas USA on 12/7/2020
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Journal Entry 1 by wingethereawing from Little Rock, Arkansas USA on Monday, December 7, 2020
Everyone--including mystery bookstore owner Annie Laurance--loves Arsenic and Old Lace. But something wicked is poisoned a local summer stock production as cast members stab each other in the back and props are sabotaged. Worst of all, the star, aging Hollywood beach-blanket hunk Shane Petree, butchers his lines--while getting top billing in bed with wives and teenage daughters around town. No wonder somebody wants to draw his final curtain.

Journal Entry 2 by wingethereawing at Arkansas Heart Hospital Encore in Bryant, Arkansas USA on Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Released 2 wks ago (1/22/2025 UTC) at Arkansas Heart Hospital Encore in Bryant, Arkansas USA


Left in the first floor waiting area.
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