
by Daniëlle Steel | Romance | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9789021005799 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingFictiviawing of Groningen, Groningen Netherlands on 7/27/2020
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Journal Entry 1 by wingFictiviawing from Groningen, Groningen Netherlands on Monday, July 27, 2020
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Het boek mag je houden, maar het is natuurlijk ook leuk als je het weer ergens achterlaat.

Released 4 yrs ago (7/27/2020 UTC) at Minibieb Galkemaheerd (OBCZ Giraffebieb (van Ria) in Groningen, Groningen Netherlands


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Journal Entry 3 by wingFictiviawing at Minibieb Framaheerd in Groningen, Groningen Netherlands on Thursday, September 10, 2020

Released 4 yrs ago (9/10/2020 UTC) at Minibieb Framaheerd in Groningen, Groningen Netherlands


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