Bonjour Tristesse
1 journaler for this copy...

Journal Entry 2 by
at LFL - Vandegrift Ave (5811) #7720 in Rockville, Maryland USA on Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Released 4 yrs ago (2/28/2020 UTC) at LFL - Vandegrift Ave (5811) #7720 in Rockville, Maryland USA
Enjoy the book!

I selected this book from the Little Free Library of Twinbrook (#7720) to release elsewhere.

Journal Entry 4 by
at LFL - Mattie JT Stepanek Park (For Adults) in Rockville, Maryland USA on Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Released 4 yrs ago (3/10/2020 UTC) at LFL - Mattie JT Stepanek Park (For Adults) in Rockville, Maryland USA
I'm releasing this book for...
*** The 2020 Oh, the Places We Can Go Release Challenge hosted by Secretariat. The book title contains the word TESSE. Tesse is a lake that lies in Lom and Vågå municipalities in Oppland county, Norway.
Hello and welcome to BookCrossing ... where we make the whole world a library!
Now that you've "caught" this book, it is yours to do with as you like. Read it, keep it, or give it away. It's your choice!
I'd love if you'd enter a note here on BookCrossing about this book -- where you found it, how you like it, and/or where you release it. If you join BookCrossing (free and fun), kindly list me, SqueakyChu. or any other journaler on this thread as your referring person. Thank you so much.
Enjoy the book!
*** The 2020 Oh, the Places We Can Go Release Challenge hosted by Secretariat. The book title contains the word TESSE. Tesse is a lake that lies in Lom and Vågå municipalities in Oppland county, Norway.
Hello and welcome to BookCrossing ... where we make the whole world a library!
Now that you've "caught" this book, it is yours to do with as you like. Read it, keep it, or give it away. It's your choice!
I'd love if you'd enter a note here on BookCrossing about this book -- where you found it, how you like it, and/or where you release it. If you join BookCrossing (free and fun), kindly list me, SqueakyChu. or any other journaler on this thread as your referring person. Thank you so much.
Enjoy the book!