The Wicked + The Divine 1 - The Faust Act
1 journaler for this copy...

Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critically thermonuclear floor-fillers Young Avengers and Phonogram reunite to start a new, ongoing, superhero fantasy with a beautiful, oversized issue. Welcome to The Wicked + The Divine, where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. But remember: just because you're immortal, doesn't mean you're going to live forever.

Journal Entry 2 by Urla at Electronic Arts Ireland in Galway, Co. Galway Ireland on Monday, October 14, 2019
Released 5 yrs ago (10/15/2019 UTC) at Electronic Arts Ireland in Galway, Co. Galway Ireland
On the table next to the Community Team.