Lincoln in the Bardo: A Novel
Registered by ajsmom of Quesnel, British Columbia Canada on 5/6/2018
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

3 journalers for this copy...

Picked up at the Prince George Friends of the Library book sale.

I could not get into this book. Gave up at page 55.

Journal Entry 3 by ajsmom at LFL - 27816 in Quesnel, British Columbia Canada on Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Released 6 yrs ago (6/21/2018 UTC) at LFL - 27816 in Quesnel, British Columbia Canada
Left in the LFL.

Found in the shelves in our condo lobby. Read in a weekend. It does take a little bit to figure out what's happening and get into it, as the previous reader noted, but the experience is well worth it.

Released 4 yrs ago (8/24/2020 UTC) at North Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Passed to a friend.

Journal Entry 6 by canadagaa at North Vancouver, British Columbia Canada on Thursday, September 10, 2020
Was looking forward to a consummate read of such book but decided to confine it to a sick-box at page 9 and then was rather intrigued in coming upon pg. 336 per chance.

Journal Entry 7 by canadagaa at Ambleside Park - details in notes in West Vancouver, British Columbia Canada on Sunday, December 27, 2020
Released 4 yrs ago (12/27/2020 UTC) at Ambleside Park - details in notes in West Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Ambleside Beach Books Shelf along the path. Book in a Ziploc Bag for added protection.