The Porcupine
by Julian Barnes | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 033032828x Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 033032828x Global Overview for this book
Registered by
of Roslin, Scotland United Kingdom on 5/29/2018
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

Given by a friend to register and release

Journal Entry 2 by
at The Glencorse Centre ✔️ in Auchendinny, Scotland United Kingdom on Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Released 6 yrs ago (5/30/2018 UTC) at The Glencorse Centre ✔️ in Auchendinny, Scotland United Kingdom
Released to obcz
Although this book is registered at, you don't have to be a member. It's perfectly OK to just take the book and enjoy it. Of course, if you can visit the website and let us know that you've picked it up, that would be even better - you don't even have to join, you can add your comments anonymously - you can also post your review when you've read it, then return it or pass it on to someone else.
If you do join Bookcrossing, you'll be able to see what happens to it afterwards - for ever!
Although this book is registered at, you don't have to be a member. It's perfectly OK to just take the book and enjoy it. Of course, if you can visit the website and let us know that you've picked it up, that would be even better - you don't even have to join, you can add your comments anonymously - you can also post your review when you've read it, then return it or pass it on to someone else.
If you do join Bookcrossing, you'll be able to see what happens to it afterwards - for ever!

Retrieved from obcz

Journal Entry 4 by
at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Released 6 yrs ago (8/12/2018 UTC) at Edinburgh Book Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
Bringing to the Old Gang Meetup, but if it is not taken, it will end up as part of my Festival Release Challenge:
During the Edinburgh Festival 2010 I wild released 50 books around various venues to 'celebrate' my birthday. I got 9 'catches' which I thought was pretty good going.
It proved to be quite addictive, so for the 9th year in a row I thought I'd do it again. Collecting 50 books to release is quite a challenge, so not all the books are ones that I've read, if they are then my journal entry will be somewhere above.
Expect releases to take place between 1st August 2018 and 1st September 2018.
Thank you for picking up this book. I hope you enjoy reading it & look forward to reading your journal entry & those that follow. You don't have to join to journal (you can do that anonymously) but it's free, so if you're a bookworm that likes to pass on books, why not join in.
I will try & update these release notes with the actual details ASAP after release and will tweet their location as I go (@cassandra2020)
Although this book is registered at, you don't have to be a member. It's perfectly OK to just take the book and enjoy it. Of course, if you can visit the website and let us know that you've picked it up, that would be even better - you don't even have to join, you can add your comments anonymously - you can also post your review when you've read it, then return it or pass it on to someone else.
If you do join Bookcrossing, you'll be able to see what happens to it afterwards - for ever!
During the Edinburgh Festival 2010 I wild released 50 books around various venues to 'celebrate' my birthday. I got 9 'catches' which I thought was pretty good going.
It proved to be quite addictive, so for the 9th year in a row I thought I'd do it again. Collecting 50 books to release is quite a challenge, so not all the books are ones that I've read, if they are then my journal entry will be somewhere above.
Expect releases to take place between 1st August 2018 and 1st September 2018.
Thank you for picking up this book. I hope you enjoy reading it & look forward to reading your journal entry & those that follow. You don't have to join to journal (you can do that anonymously) but it's free, so if you're a bookworm that likes to pass on books, why not join in.
I will try & update these release notes with the actual details ASAP after release and will tweet their location as I go (@cassandra2020)
Although this book is registered at, you don't have to be a member. It's perfectly OK to just take the book and enjoy it. Of course, if you can visit the website and let us know that you've picked it up, that would be even better - you don't even have to join, you can add your comments anonymously - you can also post your review when you've read it, then return it or pass it on to someone else.
If you do join Bookcrossing, you'll be able to see what happens to it afterwards - for ever!

Journal Entry 5 by silverbirch7 at LFL - Comely Bank in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom on Sunday, March 3, 2024
Released 11 mos ago (3/3/2024 UTC) at LFL - Comely Bank in Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
Read this 5 years ago and can just about remember enjoying it! Recently rediscovered on a bookshelf and decided it was well overdue a release!