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The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act

by Kieron Gillen | Graphic Novels |
ISBN: 1632150190 Global Overview for this book
Registered by emmejo of Cincinnatus, New York USA on 6/23/2017
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5 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by emmejo from Cincinnatus, New York USA on Friday, June 23, 2017
Every ninety years, 12 young people become the reincarnations of gods. They develop incredible talents and inspire creative revolutions among their fans. They rocket through two years of spectacular fame, and then they die. As one might imagine, giving a group of teens careers as popstars, superpowers, and a death sentence doesn't always end well.

This is one of only a handful of comics that I actually buy issue by issue instead of waiting on the trades. I've even done a closet cosplay of one of the characters. (Pic attached!) It is one of those stories that blends apparently simple situations with convoluted aspects that means I still notice something new almost every time I re-read it, catching foreshadowing I missed or background info that seemed trivial at the time. I admit, this first volume didn't catch my attention as much on the first read (probably because a couple of the characters it focuses on aren't ones I find particularly interesting), but by the second one, I was hooked.

It is also one of the most diverse comics I've read, with a cast consisting of many ethnicities, sexualities, and genders.

Journal Entry 2 by emmejo at Trumansburg, New York USA on Friday, July 7, 2017

Released 7 yrs ago (7/7/2017 UTC) at Trumansburg, New York USA


This is one of the books starting the newest LGBTQ+ Bookbox

Journal Entry 3 by wingKateKintailwing at Burke, Virginia USA on Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Taking out of emmejo's LGBTQ+ Bookbox. I do love a good story about good & evil. And the idea of Gods returning to the world as teens sounds like the makings of an awesome story.

Journal Entry 4 by wingKateKintailwing at Burke, Virginia USA on Friday, June 14, 2019
I enjoyed this collection of comics. It was a clever twist on good vs. evil, with gods living forever because they are reincarnated repeatedly. Bringing classic gods with violence, history, and vendettas into the bodies of present day teens/young adults is a volatile situation and leads to a lot of interesting drama and infighting.

I agree with emmejo's comments, especially regarding the diversity. It made for a really enjoyable read!

Journal Entry 5 by wingKateKintailwing at Arlington, Virginia USA on Friday, June 14, 2019

Released 5 yrs ago (6/16/2019 UTC) at Arlington, Virginia USA


Taking to a BCinDC meetup so that it can find a new reader. Enjoy!

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I hope you enjoy the book. Happy reading!

Journal Entry 6 by wingSpatialwing at Arlington, Virginia USA on Monday, June 17, 2019
Caught at the BCinDC meetup today.

I was excited to see this book at the meetup and snatched it up as it barely touched the table!

Journal Entry 7 by wingSpatialwing at Arlington, Virginia USA on Monday, June 17, 2019
I really couldn’t wait to read this and dove in the very next day after receiving it! It’s really engrossing and the cover art, though simple, is fantastic!

I’m interested to see where the story is going to go with the gods looking for a murderer within their midst along with the great ending, even though you know something of the sort was coming. It will be fun to see what that means for Laura or is a trick of the gods’?

Journal Entry 8 by wingSpatialwing at Manga / Graphic Novels, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases on Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Released 3 yrs ago (9/16/2021 UTC) at Manga / Graphic Novels, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases


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This is one of the starting books for the Manga/Graphic Novel/Comics Bookbox!

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Journal Entry 9 by wingnimrodielwing at Evanston, Illinois USA on Saturday, October 23, 2021
Taken out of the manga and graphic novel book box.

Journal Entry 10 by wingnimrodielwing at Evanston, Illinois USA on Friday, December 30, 2022
This was a fun volume. I loved the artwork, I thought the idea of gods returning as teenagers every ninety years intriguing. I enjoyed this enough that I have put hold requests for the rest of the graphic novels at my local library.

Thank you for sharing this book. I loved it and it is one that had slipped under my rader previously.

Journal Entry 11 by wingnimrodielwing at Evanston, Illinois USA on Monday, January 2, 2023

Released 2 yrs ago (1/3/2023 UTC) at Evanston, Illinois USA


Sending this off to the winner of the Manga, Graphic Novel and Comic sweeps.

Journal Entry 12 by wingestelle1806wing at Clonsilla, Co. Dublin Ireland on Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Thank you for sending this book, nimrodiel. Looking forward to reading it...

Journal Entry 13 by wingestelle1806wing at Radisson Blu Hotel in Little Island, Co. Cork Ireland on Monday, February 5, 2024

Released 1 yr ago (2/5/2024 UTC) at Radisson Blu Hotel in Little Island, Co. Cork Ireland


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