The Accidental Tourist

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0425092917 Global Overview for this book
Registered by weirdwong of Tucson, Arizona USA on 3/15/2004
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6 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by weirdwong from Tucson, Arizona USA on Monday, March 15, 2004
I'm not sure if I have read this yet,so I'll have to start it and find out. a Library discard.

Journal Entry 2 by wingDove-i-Libriwing from Cape Coral, Florida USA on Monday, May 10, 2004
Rec'd as a RABCK and was so happy! I just finished it, and I am going to check some "wish lists" to see if it's on someone else's list. If not, I will offer it as a RABCK myself!

Will be mailed on Monday, 5/24/04 to fellow BookCrosser FamFatale!

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Journal Entry 3 by FamFatale from Chantilly, Virginia USA on Friday, May 28, 2004
A bit hard to get started, but I enjoyed the middle of the book. Not at all certain I liked the books ending, but I wasn't particularly surprised with it, either.

Journal Entry 4 by FamFatale at mailed in, Bookrelay -- Controlled Releases on Friday, June 11, 2004
Released on Friday, June 11, 2004 at mailed in, Bookrelay Controlled Releases.

Released via bookrelay to nancydotslash in Texas

Journal Entry 5 by rem_XNE-725303 on Saturday, June 19, 2004
Received this book today in mail, as part of BookRelay....thank you so much, I know I will enjoy it, I loved the movie and the book is always better than the movie, right?! I will read it and pass it on....

Journal Entry 6 by rem_XNE-725303 on Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I found this to be a charming story with some surprising humor that made me suddenly laugh out loud. (Even though it deals with a serious topic, a couple who have lost their 12-yr-old son in a tragic and senseless killing at a hold-up in a burger place.) There is much warmth and wisdom and I thought it was very perceptive. Thank you for the trade, it took a long time but I am getting Mount TBR whittled down slowly! I will soon release this book into the wild....

Journal Entry 7 by rem_XNE-725303 on Thursday, July 13, 2006

I found this book on someone's, this is a Controlled release by mail, to acountkel, enjoy!

Journal Entry 8 by acountkel from Charlotte, North Carolina USA on Monday, July 17, 2006
Thank you so much! A nice surprise to find in my mail today!

Journal Entry 9 by acountkel from Charlotte, North Carolina USA on Sunday, November 5, 2006
This was accepted by Piiku on the "Earliest registered TBR" relay
I have about 3 books to read before I start this one.
So it will be a couple weeks before I send.

Journal Entry 10 by acountkel from Charlotte, North Carolina USA on Thursday, November 23, 2006
Another good one by Anne Tyler. I really enjoyed this. This was published in the middle 80’s. It was made into a movie I never saw. It’s about Macon. He and his wife Sarah, have just recently lost their son to a brutal but random crime. The tragedy takes a toll on their marriage and Sarah asks for a separation. Macon is a writer and travels all over the world as “The Accidental Tourist”. He writes travel guides for the working executive. After having some trouble with his dog, Edward, he seeks out Muriel who is a dog trainer at a local vet. They become close and start dating. Tyler does a great job depicting the odd character Macon. He is loveable but has many idiosyncrasies. I really felt for him trying to deal with his life. Or, actually not dealing with it and letting things just happen as they do. I really liked this book. May rent the movie. I am curious to see how William Hurt plays the part.

Sending to Piiku in the next day or so.

Journal Entry 11 by wingPiikuwing from Turku, Varsinais-Suomi / Egentliga Finland Finland on Thursday, November 30, 2006
The book is in Finland. Anne Tyler is one of my favourite authors, I'm so happy I got this one. Thank you acountkel!

Journal Entry 12 by wingPiikuwing from Turku, Varsinais-Suomi / Egentliga Finland Finland on Friday, August 10, 2007
I love Anne Tylers books. This was no exception, even though I really could not relate to any of the characters, and some of them I directly disliked. Unlike Macon I love travelling. I read this book in Crete, and left it there for another accidental tourist to find.

#58 in guinaveve's Keep the Moving challenge.

Released 17 yrs ago (8/5/2007 UTC) at Heaven Apartments in Agia Marina - Αγία Μαρίνα, Chania Greece



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